How to Sharpen Your English Comprehension Ability
English comprehension is not something you are born with; it's something to learn. And with all skills, there are usually some things that can be done to improve them. For reading comprehension specifically, there are several things you can do to increase your abilities without having to devote hours each day or spending wads of cash on classes.
Here are tips that might help you improve your English comprehension. In doing these activities, you will be reminded of some of the rules to effective reading comprehension, which will help you become more effective both in business and home.
Tips for making positive changes in your English comprehension
- Improve the vocabulary
Improving your vocabulary is important in every aspect of your life, whether you're a student, a member of the workforce, or a homemaker. It is important to understand an extensive vocabulary and use the words.
The best way to do this is to read for pleasure frequently and consistently. In addition, challenging yourself with more difficult material will enable you to improve your vocabulary skills.
Make flashcards to use while you read. Write out any new words you encounter, their meaning, and the page number they can be found.
- Engage your imagination
Bringing your imagination into play is a great way to boost reading comprehension. As you read, take time to imagine what the characters in the story might look like, what their voices would sound like, and how they would go about doing things. Try to put yourself in their place as much as possible and allow yourself to thoroughly engage in the story.
- Learn how to "listen" to what you read
When you're reading, try to sound out the words in your head like they were spoken by someone else. It will help slow down your perception of the words and make it easier to understand what is being conveyed.
This exercise also helps you learn new words. Try reading out loud to yourself as you read.
- Make reading a fun activity
Reading can be boring and stressful, or a relaxing pleasure. The key is to find the right style of reading literature that appeals to you. Choose books you enjoy and strive to keep your mind focused on the activity.
It requires time and continued practice to become proficient at reading comprehension, but it will help you with your schoolwork, career, and day-to-day life. And if you enjoy something, it's easy to keep doing it!
- Summarize the text in your mind
It helps immensely if you can summarize what you've just read. Think of this as a "formal," in-your-mind review of the text you just read. It can help to reinforce what you've just read so that you really know it and will later recall it with ease.
An extra benefit is that it enables you to identify the major points and important details of the passage and identify relationships among ideas.
- Take time to process what you have read
Have you ever read a book to completion and thought, "I really should have taken some notes, but I didn't"? Whether it's a novel for fun or a textbook for school, the more notes and observations you take as you read, the more likely it is that this material will stay with you. Taking notes allows you to better retain what you've read. It can be as important as reading an assigned textbook.
- Get the help of a tutor
Sometimes, even with your best efforts, you just don't learn something. It is a frustrating experience, but you can still do some things to improve your reading fluency.
One of these is to get the help of a tutor. A qualified tutor can give you extra information and explain things in simpler terms, thus providing a great boost to your comprehension skills. In addition, spending time with a trained professional can be useful.
- Find a "literary buddy"
Consider finding someone who enjoys the same kinds of reading material as you. Spending time with someone else who likes to read and talking about the novels you read can help you learn new vocabulary and increase your language ability.
Even if you have a reasonably good comprehension level, there are still things you can do to improve your skills. Reading is especially helpful in this regard. Reading frequently and purposefully will help develop your language abilities and enhance your reading comprehension skills.
Remember that even the most eloquent writer has to spend a great deal of time learning how to write well and practice writing with care.