Essential Motivation Hacks for Studying

Netflix is an easy option, but sometimes you might need a little motivation to get away from your computer and study. Are you on track to accomplish your goals? If not, don't despair! We'll show you some easy ways to get back on track.

  • Work with a buddy

When studying with a friend or buddy, the conversation can help keep your mind sharp. You also can encourage each other to stay on task. And the fact that you're working together means it won't seem like boring work because you can interact with someone else.

  • Play a game

Games are fun. And when you play them as a way to study, they're even more fun. You'll be intellectually stimulated, and you'll be in an environment that's familiar and comfortable for you. It will keep your brain focused and alert but won't have the same dull feeling as sitting at the desk for hours. And if you play with a friend, the entertainment factor will help keep the learning process smooth and enjoyable.

  • Pick a study routine that fits your lifestyle

Some people wake up in the morning and hit the books hard for an hour or two before going to work. Others might start studying as soon as they wake up, or at least after breakfast. The key is figuring out what works for you and sticking with it.

  • Make learning a lifestyle

You don't just have to study when there's a looming test or project. Instead, try to learn something new every day, even if it's just something small. Set aside time to study and make it part of your daily routine.

  • Pomodoro study technique

The Pomodoro Method is a system for managing time. Francesco Cirillo advanced the technique in late 1980s. It applies a timer to divide work into simple intervals of say 25 minutes, with short breaks in between. Each "Pomodoro" is a unit of work that should not be broken up except in the case of an emergency. At the end of every Pomodoro, there should be an assessment about what was accomplished and whether or not the goals for that Pomodoro were met.

  • Do you have a reward system?

Some people do a better job at getting work done when they have a reward system in place. It might mean a new game that you're looking forward to playing or the ability to watch a movie when your studying is finished. Whatever it is, set goals and rewards for yourself to get motivated more easily.

  • Take breaks

While it's important to study every day, make sure that you take regular breaks. Studies have shown that physical breaks help the brain, which needs oxygen to function optimally. In addition, getting up and moving is a great way to gain some vital nutrition.

  • A study group

Finding a study group is essential for success, especially if you're just starting. Having other people to help/support one another and provide motivation is a huge benefit.

  • Practice self-talk

Self-talk can help a lot of things. It can boost confidence, reduce stress and even help set you up for success by saying positive things to yourself during stressful situations. "I've got this," "In doubt, go to plan B," and "I can do this" are all good examples of some common self-talk that you can use to get yourself motivated.

  • A clean workspace

Even the most motivated person will be more productive if their workspace is clean. On the other hand, a messy coffee table and a stack of papers with unorganized notes can cause stress, distract the person from studying and make it harder to concentrate. So keep your workspace neat at all times!

  • Keep a positive attitude

Beating procrastination with confidence in your abilities will go a very long way in helping you stick to your studies. It involves having positive attitudes about school, work, and anything else that you set out to do.


If you are a student and face challenges with your studies, there are options and tips to help you get back on track. Make the time and effort to create a study plan that makes the most of your time, space, and energy. To boost your self-confidence and motivation, you might find it helpful to set goals with rewards and try various techniques.